Friday, 10 August 2018

Ranking The 'Star Wars' Episodes

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Very few film franchises in history can measure up to "Star Wars" in terms of sheer fan base. Even after the incredibly divisive “The Last Jedi," "Star Wars" fans still remain loyal to the saga. And even with "Solo: A Star Wars Story" coming up as a box-office disappointment, it was by no means a flop.

In the years to come, Disney and Lucasfilm have announced releases for "Star Wars," which everyone is sure will be at the very least, moderate hits. The closest one is J.J. Abrams’ Episode IX, which is slated for release in December 2019. But before that happens, let’s check out the episode rankings of "Star Wars."

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Note that these rankings only include episodes, and not standalone films such as "Rogue One," "Solo," or "The Clone Wars."
 1."The Empire Strikes Back" – The one Star Wars movie that had everything.
 2."A New Hope" – The movie that started it all.
3."Revenge of the Sith" – The most action-packed, and arguably, most important Star Wars movie. 4."The Return of the Jedi" – A great way to end the saga.
5."The Last Jedi" – The riskiest and most divisive, and also a great effort on its own merit.
6."The Force Awakens" – A fun ride that seemed too similar to "A New Hope."
7."The Phantom Menace” – Too flawed to be fully enjoyed, with hammed up acting and an incredibly uneven script.
8."Attack of the Clones" – Overpowered by a sappy romance.

Bob Mims, CPA, promotes the importance of staying active through several physical exercises, such as yoga, P90X, and swimming. During his free time, he loves re-watching his favorite 'Star Wars' episodes. Learn more about him and his interests here.